segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2008

Trilha Sonora - Naruto


Trilha sonora do anime mais visto do Planeta!!

01 - Shippuuden

02 - Heaven-Shaking Event

03 - Homecoming

04 - Experienced Many Battles

05 - Lightning Speed

06 - Mission

07 - Man of the World

08 - Departure to the Front Lines

09 - Anger

10 - Akatsuki

11 - Scene of a Disaster

12 - Jinchuuriki

13 - Loneliness

14 - Nightfall

15 - Hidden Will to Fight

16 - Unparalleled Throughout History

17 - Setting Sun

18 - Emergence of Talents

19 - Despair

20 - Dark Clouds

21 - Stalemate

22 - Tragic

23 - Confronting

24 - Strangeness

25 - Risking it All

26 - Reverse Situation

27 - Companions

28 - Hurricane Suite

Hospedagem: Rapidshare
Tamanho: 63 MB

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